pharmacy and job opportunities

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1. analisis farmasi anorganik

2. Kimia Organik

3.Agama islam

4. mikrobiologi farmasi

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many Job opportunities in indonesia, I will give you some link to get careers in big company


bidang kerja farmasi tidak hanya di bidang obat, industry lain juga membutuhkan farmasist , seperti industry makanan, kosmetik dan sebagainya, berikut beberapa job opportunities link perusahaan besar di indonesia

  1. sanbe farma,
    Sanbe at a Glance Print E-mail
    • We are the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers from World’s 4th largest country – Indonesia
    • Out of Top 15 ethically prescribed products in Indonesia, 4 products are from us
    • Out of 205 manufacturers including 41 multinationals, we rank as the No. 1
    • We are the fastest growing progressive Healthcare Company with an ambition to be the global player
    • We employ more than 8,000 dedicated and committed work-force including multinationals
    • We make mutually beneficial alliances across the globe
    • We do different things and same things differently
    • We make things happen not wait for things to happen
    • Above all, we have the Passion to Win
    • We are SANBE, where quality counts

    about sanbe diambil dari

  2. lowongan kerja Kalbe Farma

          company profile


The world is changing, the environment is changing, and we all realize that the only constant thing is change. Like a living creature, a company must possess the capability of adapting to an environment that continues to change from time to time. Not many Indonesian companies have been able to endure, let alone continue to develop over a period of tens of years. One example of such an Indonesian company is PT Kalbe Farma Tbk. (Kalbe).

Today, Kalbe is recognized as the largest regional pharmaceutical company in Southeast Asia. However, perhaps few people realize it all started in a small garage in the Tanjung Priok area of North Jakarta, Indonesia. When they set up Kalbe on September 10, 1966, the six founders may not have imagined that Kalbe could ever become the success that it is today. The sharp vision, high sense of entrepreneurship and spirit of hard work displayed by the founders and all the employees have enabled
Kalbe to continue to grow and become the large and successful company of today.

Living by its philosophy, Kalbe always moves on and continues to grow. It is not surprising that nowadays Kalbe sells its products to Asian and African markets, as an expansion of its Indonesian market. By the end of 2005, Kalbe was represented at seven markets, namely Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and South Africa.

Nowadays Kalbe is engaged in both the consumer health business and the pharmaceutical products business to fulfill the diverse needs of their customers through the creation of many strong brands. In developing its business network and markets, Kalbe continues to produce many innovative products. Kalbe certainly always tries its best to fulfill the health requirements of all their valued customers, both in Indonesia and overseas.

To play the role of an innovator, Kalbe commits itself to the area of research and development. The research and development activities cover the creation of new medicines and formulations, new systems and processes, and new knowledge, either through its own capabilities or through strategic alliances with international partners. Indeed, to grow Kalbe must continue to innovate and always be on the constant lookout for potential global opportunities.

To ensure the availability of information at any time, anywhere, Kalbe has started the improvement of information technology in the extended Kalbe Group. This information technology will be an enabler and accelerator for Kalbe in expanding the business and providing the best services to all its customers.

With its wide scale of business and range of innovative products that continue to be trendsetters in the marketplace, Kalbe is a business group that is always in the forefront. Nonetheless, Kalbe will never stop. In the future, Kalbe is determined to be known not only as a regional company, but also as a global company active in the healthcare business and serving all the health needs of the general public.


3 responses to “pharmacy and job opportunities

  1. Lowongan Kerja Pharmacy / Pharmacist / Apoteker / Farmasi di Malaysia

    Kepada Yth

    Dengan hormat,

    Bersama surat ini kami PPTKIS ELKARIM MAKMUR SENTOSA ingin memberikan informasi bahwa Partner kami di Malaysia saat ini membutuhkan 100 (seratus) Pharmacist/Apoteker baik pria maupun wanita yang merupakan lulusan dari :
    1. Institut Teknologi Bandung
    2. Universitas Gadjah Mada
    3. Universitas Airlangga Surabaya
    4. Universitas Padjajaran

    Dimana keadaan, syarat dan kondisi ketika bekerja adalah sebagai berikut :
    • Pendidikan
    Harus telah menyelesaikan universitas dan mempunyai gelar Sarjana, juga harus mempunyai ijin bekerja di Indonesia.
    • Gaji
    Rp.4.000.000,- s/d Rp.8.000.000,- (dalam Malaysia Ringgit).
    • Akomodasi
    Disediakan dengan dasar berbagian/jatah.
    • Transportasi
    Disediakan jika jarak asrama terlalu jauh dengan tempat bekerja.
    • Pengalaman Kerja
    Minimum 3 Tahun berpraktek sebagai Apoteker
    • Kontrak Kerja
    3 Tahun
    • Ketetapan Pekerjaan
    6 Bulan sebelum tanggal kedatangan mereka, Mereka diharuskan untuk mengikuti ujian yang diadakan oleh Dewan Apoteker Malaysia. Ketika telah lulus ujian ini, mereka dipastikan telah mendapat pekerjaan. Test ini diadakan 3 kali dalam 1 tahun. Mereka dapat mengulang jika mereka gagal. Kami hanya akan membiayai untuk test yang pertama. Apabila mereka gagal, mereka akan membayar Biaya ujian sendiri untuk test yang kedua. Mereka akan dibayar sebesar Rp.4.000.000,- Jika mereka gagal, bekerja sebagai Asisten Apoteker dan dibayar Rp.4.000.000,- s/d Rp.8.000.000,- Jika mereka telah lulus ujian.
    • Levi, Asuransi, Kesehatan
    Semua ini disediakan dan dibayar oleh majikan. Apabila pekerja melanggar kontrak, maka mereka bertanggung jawab membayar ganti rugi biaya Levi, Asuransi dan Medical yang tidak terpakai ketika mereka tiba di Malaysia.

    Akan diadakan interview dalam waktu dekat, Untuk info/pendaftaran dapat segera menghubungi dan mengirimkan CV ke :
    Jl. Kedoya Raya Pesing No. 11, Jakarta Barat 11520 – Indonesia
    Telp. (021) 5835 7109/10
    Fax. (021) 581 2532

    Demikian Surat Pemberitahuan ini, kami mengharapkan bapak atau ibu dapat membantu kami dalam pemenuhan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia untuk bekerja di Malaysia dalam bidang Apoteker ini. Atas perhatiannya dan bantuannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

    Hormat Kami.


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